Were You Exposed to Paraquat?

Were You Exposed?

Paraquat is a dangerous herbicide used by farmers, agricultural workers, and landscape maintenance crews for decades.  If you’ve been exposed and developed Parkinson’s disease, you may have a claim.

What is Paraquat?

Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Paraquat is a toxic chemical that was produced as an herbicide for commercial purposes in the early 1960s.  In the U.S., it is available for use only by commercially licensed users due to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency classifying it for “restricted use.”

Exposure to Paraquat

A person can be exposed to Paraquat by inhaling or ingesting the chemical.  Additionally, poisoning can be possible through skin exposure. The chemical can cause damage to the lining of the mouth, stomach, or intestines, and damage to the lungs, liver, and kidneys.

Connection to Parkinson’s Disease

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program cites studies reporting environmental exposure that may be associated with Parkinson’s disease and lists Paraquat as “a chemical of interest for further review.”  The number of lawsuits against manufacturers of paraquat is growing as more studies release information linking to Parkinson’s, and the studies indicate that Paraquat’s manufacturer knew about these dangers.

Per the National Institute of Health, Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that can cause physical, mental, and behavioral changes.

Symptoms include:

Shaking or trembling in hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head
Difficulty walking and talking due to stiffness
Issues with memory
Issues with balance and coordination, sometimes leading to falls
If you or a loved one have been significantly exposed to paraquat and have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, please contact the Diaz Law Firm and speak to an attorney today.  You can reach us online or by calling our toll-free number at 800-459-2222.